Return Policy for Online purchases only
Odd Fellows Leather does its very best to make sure that everything you
receive will meet your expectations.
We offer a full refund for any manufacturing defects.
If you are having trouble with the size that you ordered please contact us so that we may assist in proper measurements.
No refunds for sizing issues will be given without first contacting us to ensure that we help you get the correct fit.
Any items being returned for any reason other than manufacturer defects will be subject to a 20% restocking fee and all shipping costs.
Questions or Feed Back?
Interested in participating in a Renaissance festival or medieval faire near you?
Think you would like to join the Odd Fellows crew?
Contact us for further information by filling out the form and/or emailing us at:
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Featured in this picture: Black Box Bag, Holster, Black Manacles, Plain Mug Frog, Black Tankard, 1.5" Embossed Ring belt. Clothing provided by Fiona's Fineries.